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¡¡¡¡President Jiang, Mr Levin, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

¡¡¡¡We are delighted that FORTUNE Magazine has chosen Hong Kong to hold the first FORTUNE 500 Forum of the 21st Century. We are particularly honoured that President Jiang Zemin has accepted the invitation to make the keynote address for the opening of the Forum.

¡¡¡¡Almost four years ago, on July 1, 1997, in this very special place, in a solemn ceremony marking the handover, President Jiang announced to the world the return of Hong Kong to China. Over the past four years, the people of Hong Kong and the world at large have witnessed for themselves the successful implementation of the concept of "One Country, Two Systems". Our society is pluralistic, vocal, competitive and open. The judiciary is strong and independent, and the rule of law is being upheld. The Government is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of Hong Kong people. Hong Kong's way of life has been preserved.

¡¡¡¡Internationally, as Hong Kong, China, we have taken part in over 4,000 conferences of international organisations. We have also signed over 50 bilateral agreements with other countries as permitted by the Basic Law which provides a legal framework for the "One Country, Two Systems". Hong Kong citizens have continued to move freely, with many, many who have migrated overseas before 1997 choosing to return to Hong Kong. There continues to be strong foreign direct investment into Hong Kong - $64 billion US in 2000, one of the strongest inflows in Asia. The human and financial capital inflow into Hong Kong is the best demonstration of confidence by the people both at home and abroad that "One Country, Two Systems" is being successfully implemented.

¡¡¡¡Many great events in the 20th Century have helped to shape the world we know today. I believe the return of Hong Kong to China under the concept of "One Country, Two Systems" was one of those significant events. The concept was originated by China which when successfully implemented, would resolve in a peaceful manner a dispute involving territory and the exercising of sovereignty. It would make possible the co-existence of two systems, one capitalist system and one socialist system, within one country. Of course, it was designed with more than Hong Kong in mind, because the successful implementation of the concept in Hong Kong will help the peaceful reunification of the entire country. One fifth of the world population would benefit from the fruit of such a historic undertaking.

¡¡¡¡We are proud of the successful implementation of the "One Country, Two Systems" concept in Hong Kong. One of the overwhelming reasons for the success is due to the unwavering support and determination of the Central Government under the leadership of President Jiang Zemin. The original design and implementation of the concept requires foresight, courage, innovation and determination. President Jiang embodies all these qualities.

¡¡¡¡President Jiang has devoted his life to the service to our nation and led the nation through the most successful period of social stability, economic growth and prosperity in our modern history.

¡¡¡¡Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud and honoured to present to you the President of the People's Republic of China, Mr Jiang Zemin.






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